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Features and Benefits


ZIPLEVEL ® PRO - 2000 DR introduces an exciting new world of elevation measurement and levelling. In terms of time, profitability, and simplicity site measurement tasks change dramatically with its use.
Readings are given on a clear digital display as being above or below your reference point and accurate to the nearest 0.2mm in height. The biggest challenge is to adapt thinking away from the "set it up and don't touch it" requirement of the past to getting the best out of an instrument which will permit you to "pop out to take a level" as you would to buy a sandwich.



High Precision (HP) Operation

With it's new dual range capability ZIPLEVEL can now read the thickness of a business card, the height of a new mountain or anything in between. No other instrument in the world will level or read elevations over any distance or elevation on Earth either indoors or out, without tedious tabulation math, line-of-sight, distance error and factory calibration. Now contractors can use the sub-millimetre performance of ZIPLEVEL over a 1.2m vertical range and unlimited differential levelling ranges to a precise level, set pool negative edge or read floor or foundation deviations. Engineers can easily detect real-time beam, floor, or bridge deflection. Plants can precisely level equipment and shops can build projects of any size without line-of-sight or distance error. The possibilities are endless.

Direct display in
easy-to-read digits

Save time and frustration.

Elevations without pencil and paper

Take elevations without pencil and paper or even calculations.

Imagine reading the day's work over a cup of coffee at your desk.

A one-man operation

You can carry the 5kg instrument tucked under your arm.

Be totally independent. Your instrument. Your decisions. Your time.

Measure deep dark holes and trenches in seconds

Read behind buildings, machinery, over hills, and inside buildings.

Such simplicity.


No setting and resetting and complicated calculations.


Make life easy - don't you deserve it?

Handheld module

Drop tested at 5 feet onto concrete.

Can be used in the rain.

You control your work programme and lack of repair bills.


Your legs are the controlling factor for the distance covered.

Sets up in seconds

Simply zero at your chosen benchmark and start reading.

Imagine taking a reading 30 seconds after you arrive - what IS your time worth?

Forget about calibration

If you ever wish to do that you can do it anywhere - any time and at your convenience.

You do it yourself if ever the need arises.


No cost - and only about 2 minutes.

Reduce errors

The clear display does that, but should a unit be bumped or knocked and moves for example, 2mm, that is the continued error.


There is no magnification with distance as there is with tripod-based machines.

Work with confidence and surety - something that can be hard to get.


Arrow International managed the earthquake-damaged house assessments for AMI Insurance.

The ZIPLEVEL ® PRO - 2000 greatly increased their assessment process. 


Neil Laurenson, Senior Project Manager for Arrow loved the Zip Level because:

  • it is a one-man operation

  • it does not require line of sight

  • it can measure around corners, up and down stairs even down holes,

  • it can do all things that you cannot do with a laser level.

"The ZIPLEVEL ® PRO - 2000 saved us 2 hours per house which meant over the months it saved both us and AMI hours of labour."

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